I'd have to disagree with you. Seeing your submission of the girl with the purple shirt and hat, it seems like your shading has gotten better. Just getting to the point you've reached, where you've mastered the basics of perspective, coloring, and shading (at the least), you should be proud. Go ahead and check out my artwork I submitted here. Most of it is the same way I've been drawing since I was in third grade (granted, I don't draw as much anymore), but you can see that nearly all the faces in the pictures are facing directly forward or directly left. I could never get the proportions right to do much otherwise. You've gone beyond this to where you can draw as you please, what you please. Like what MastaFran said below, I think you need to challenge yourself. Do a completely different style than what you are used to. Maybe try your hand at comics, background art, nature scenes, abstract art, mix two characters from tv together into one, pictures with a twist (like perhaps one of the woman I see in your drawings, they're looking down in fright because the bottom of the picture is beginning to lose its color, as if it were fading away like a ghost). Try doing commissions, which would force you to draw different things than your used to while giving you experience and money back. Try giving your pictures a unique look that you'd see in hand-drawn painting like in watercoloring or marker. Maybe even try your hand at sprite animation, be an artist for an animation, or anything. You won't improve quickly if you don't try new things. You're art is great, but if you really want to notice an increase in your artistic skill in general, try a lot of different things. Good luck!
Well, just for you to know, i have a 18yo friend who can't even draw a CIRCLE without screwing it all. Seriously, that guy must have some brain issues (he also think that Fairy Tail is better than One Piece, pffffft).
lol ^_^ there must be something wrong with him if he thinks Fairy Tails better than One Piece. Plus i don't like comparing myself to people who have no interest art.